Malmö! Välkomna på visning av Viktor Fröjds works-in-progress av projektet Kairos fredag 7 Juli kl 15.00 på Danscentrum Syd!
Viktor Fröjd om processen:
“A collage can often be more descriptive and give us a feeling of getting the whole picture then a chronological description does.
In Kairos I have invited 7 dancers, some I have worked with before, others not. Here I want to collect ideas and methods from my previous works Var dag, Tillvaron, Festen, Sinnes (and the ongoing process, Locus). Travel back to thoughts and processes to discover new things but also introduce discoveries made to new dancers. Kairos is also a place where all dancers’ processes and experiences can appear in new guises! Kairos doesn’t care about chronology.”
Processen genomförs med särskilt stöd av Kulturrådet