MEDELGYMPA is coming to Weld in Stocholm
“Gympa” is a Swedish form of group aerobic training. Medelgympa is your all-around workout and art experience. We exercise to very traditional gympa music, and it can get sweaty if you want it to. Bring your metaphorical machete out. Touch down to the sound of creaking wood. Allow your body to turn into a marshmallow in a cup of hot cocoa. Medelgympa is the kind of gympa that encourages laziness. It’s gympa deluxe.
MEDELGYMPA is both a performing arts event and a session of “gympa”. The audience is led by a performer and through instructions in headphones.
2 June 2022 – Weld, Stockholm, Sweden
3 June 2022 – Weld, Stockholm, Sweden
5 june 2022 – Gula Villan, Järna, Sweden
11 June 2022 – Rådsparken, Huddinge, Sweden
12 June 2022 – Hågelbyparken, Botkyrka, Sweden